The Kilpatrick Surname Study
© Holly Kilpatrick

Old Parish record Time Series

Unfortunately, the available time series data does not extend back to the time of the Ulster Plantation. Parish records from earlier periods are often unreliable due to incomplete maintenance, loss over time, or destruction. It's not until the 1680-1700 period that we begin to identify patterns resembling the distributions evident in the 19th century. Despite the shortcomings of these registers, they still offer valuable insights: Early parish registers are incomplete, either due to lack of maintenance or loss over time. By the 18th century, distributions become remarkably consistent from era to era. The region surrounding Glasgow has long been established as a surname homeland, likely due to its proximity to the parishes of New and Old Kilpatrick. The clustering of Kilpatrick and Kirkpatrick surnames in Dunbartonshire may be due to recording errors or independent origins. Both the "Kil" and "Kirk" prefixes are common in the area. The absence of the Kilpatrick surname in Galloway is notable, while Kirkpatrick is prominent. Place names, villages, counties, parishes, and landscape features consistently use the "Kirk" prefix. There is a strong association between the Kilpatrick and Colquhoun surnames. The parishes of Old and New Kilpatrick, along with the clan territory, are reasonably contiguous. The presence of numerous Colquhouns in DNA results aligns with the historic importance of these families in the region.

The Kilpatrick Surname Study


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